Chaltwasserpass green lake Monte Leone
The Chaltwasserpass is located between the Monte Leone 3553m and the Wasenhorn 3246. The pass lies on about 2800m and has a SAC-hut on the left hand side. The pass is also the border between Switzerland and Italy and leads from the Simplon pass to the Alpe Veglia.
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schweiz, switzerland, landscape, alps, mountain, nature, italy, rock, natur, hütte, hut, view, landschaft, berg, wallis, gletscher, klettern, hochgebirge, pass, see, italien, fels, lake, climb, aussicht, glacier, bergsteigen, mountaineering, bergsport, wandern, sac, crevice, monte leone, wasenhorn, simplon, altitude, gletscherspalt, alpe veglia

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